These nuclear tests and waste have gravely undermined local ecological environment, harmed the safety and health of local residents, and caused severe disasters to countries and people in the region.

It once actively sought to acquire and develop nuclear weapons, and allowed the UK to conduct nuclear tests on the Montebello Islands off Western Australia, and Emu Field and Maralinga in South Australia between 19. The US even shipped 130 tons of nuclear contaminated soil from nuclear testing grounds in Nevada all the way to the Marshall Islands. Between 19, the US, the UK and other countries dumped large amount of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. In 19, the UK conducted 9 nuclear tests in its former colony of what is called Kiribati today.

According to open resources, the US conducted 67 nuclear tests on the Marshall Islands between 19. Pacific island countries are highly sensitive about the nuclear issue largely because of their bitter memory of nuclear tests conducted by the US and the UK in the region. The practices of the three countries prove again that for geopolitical and military confrontation purposes, they will go as far as to discard the basic norms of international relations that countries, big and small, are all equals, and wantonly run against the will of regional countries and trample upon their rights and interests. It also violates the spirit of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and impairs the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone (SPNFZ) Treaty. The latest move of the three countries have blatantly instigated confrontation and division in the region, accelerated arms race, and undermined regional peace and stability. Facts have proved that the US-UK-Australia submarine cooperation is very unpopular and has caused alarm and rejection among regional countries and the international community. Zhao Lijian: The concerns of Samoa and Kiribati are justified and legitimate. He added "with anything to do with nuclear, we thought it would be a courtesy to raise it, to discuss it with your neighbours." Do you have any comment?

The Kiribati President also is especially concerned about Australia developing nuclear-powered submarines, noting that his country is one of the Pacific islands and its people were victims of the nuclear tests of the UK and the US. CCTV: The Permanent Representative of Samoa to the United Nations said the United States is the only one of the five nuclear-weapon states that refuses to ratify the Protocols to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone (SPNFZ) Treaty.